Once upon a time…
A young freelancer took her first steps into the World Wide Web.
If you haven’t already seen my ‘About’ page (check it out, it’s great), my name is Molly, and I’m a proofreader and editor for young writers. I’m also writing a novel in my spare time, which will hopefully be published in the future. As you can see, English is a huge part of my life, so it’s no surprise that I also love to read. A lot.
In 2023, I exceeded my reading goal quite substantially and managed to read 27 books. It was mostly positive and I was incredibly proud of myself by the end of the year.
For 2024, my reading goal is 30 books, which is the highest it has ever been. I thought it would be a good idea to document my reading by posting reviews here. This way, I can keep myself accountable, and you can learn a bit more about me through my reading tastes. There will be other posts on here about the processes of writing, editing, and proofreading, and how to get the most out of them, so you will never be without something to read.
I will sign off now and see you back here soon!
Remember to hydrate, read a book, and take a nap if you need one.